Missouri Auction School Review Quiz

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Auction License Law Review Instructions

This is a review to study for your state's auctioneer's license. Your study scores are not being viewed by anyone. Your study scores are not being recorded by anyone. These scores will not be shared with any person, agency, school, or association. This review is strictly to help you prepare for your exam.

Read each question and think of your answer. Then click "Show Answer". If your answer is correct, click "Right". If it is incorrect, click "Wrong".

Study Suggestions

  1. The first time you try the review, it is best to go through the entire review in number order starting with question #1. It may require more than one sitting to complete the entire review.
  2. Remember that you are not required to memorize the exact wording of the law. Your goal is to understand the law. Your answer is considered correct if the word you fill in the blank is a synonym for the answer given. The following pairs of words are examples of synonyms: crowd and audience; exclusively and only; prior and before; beginning and starting; and completion of the auction and end of the auction.